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excavation pit中文是什么意思

用"excavation pit"造句"excavation pit"怎么读"excavation pit" in a sentence


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  • An accident practice of excavation pit on soft soil ground
  • Application of neural network to forecasting deformation of bracing of deep excavation pit
  • Ensure that the side of the excavation pit is properly shored before you go down to do work
  • He reportedly said that he only planned to have a photo of himself taken standing near the museum ' s excavation pit
  • It is difficult to use pre - stress anchor technique to the deep excavation pit on the coast , in which the stra - tum is highly filled with water and subjected to the penetration of sea water , therefore there is no suc - cessful experience
  • In addition , based on the “ foundation pit failure science ” , the four foundation pits accidents and the reason of them have also been investigated , and the security forewarning system of the excavation pits has been introduced in order to nip failure in the bud
  • But now , succeasful application for the pre - stress anchor technique in the same case has been gained by use of one construction method of orifice ponding pouring in the deep excavation pit supporting in xiamen postal edifice , which can be taken for example on similar engineerings
  • Deformation control of deep excavation pits is firstly introduced in detail , and new conceptions of effective coefficient , effective area , no - effective area and critical line , including the referential criteria and economic - effective measures of deformation control , have been put forward
用"excavation pit"造句  
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